Hi, I'm Henry

Welcome & pleasure to connect.

My life's mission is to maximize Thriving. That includes individuals, families, organizations, and ecosystems.

Big topic, I know. That's why I have a 50 Year Master Plan.

My writing explores the science, technology, business, and spirituality of Thriving. I offer my thoughts and learnings with an open palm, and if you are inspired, perhaps we can discuss over a bowl of tea.

I publish my longer writing here and I also write a shorter weekly newsletter called Thriving Thursdays. Every week I send synthesized sensemaking in physical, intellectual, emotional, and relational arenas. Plus a lot of beautiful art.

Join the Thriving Thursday newsletter

    Photo of Henry

    A little about me

    My Past

    • Born in the former Soviet Union
    • Won my largest trophy in grade school
      (for a silly math competition) and my most serious trophy in high school (performing improv comedy)
    • Semi-professional Argentine Tango dancer
    • Founded and produced a feature-length interactive circus
    • Graduated as a Sloan Fellow with a Masters of Science in Management (MSx) from Stanford's Graduate School of Business (GSB)

    My Present
    last updated: Dec 2022

    • Studying music and guitar
    • Leading all things customer, data, and centralized knowledge management at Rising Team
    • Writing the white paper from my independent research project with MAPS
    • Studying Cha Dao, the Way of Tea
    • Working on Year 3 of my Master Plan

    My Future

    • Solving a medical mystery
    • Running Mischievous Mystics Music Camp
    • Launching a cohort-based course for pre-parents (based on this framework)
    • Starting a family with my wonderful wife
    • Stewarding 100+ acres for the Global Institute for Thriving (GIFT)
    • Speaking 5 languages from 5 language families fluently

    How can I support your Thriving?

    The primary reasons for this site is to connect with those on the path to Thriving.

    I write about conceptual tools like dreamscaping and conscious conception frameworks. I also write about more philosophical topics like Life over God and axioms of abortion. And I certainly have a lot to think about for Thriving.

    More than anything, I'm writing for you. I seek to empower you on your journey. And in doing so, curate the awareness to support others as well.

    If you have questions or comments, reach out. Where I have knowledge and capacity, I'll offer my insights. Where you have knowledge or perspective to share, I warmly welcome your input.

    It's an honor to walk this path together.

    🙏🏼    Ichi-go ichi-e  🙏🏼

    Recent Posts

    Sleep Research Questions

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    Distilled Thriving Framework

    A shorter, more distilled version of the Thriving framework I am working toward.

    Ask Science: Synthesizing sleep science for learning, memory, and cognition at all ages

    Description of a pilot project synthesizing sleep science as it relates to learning (/ memory / cognition) as it relates to children, adults, and aging.

    12 Favorite Questions for 2021

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    Translating Love Languages to Love Signals

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    The Magic of Metaphor

    How we can use the form, function, and critical importance of conceptual metaphors to yield meaning and understanding.

    Write of Passage - being the observer and the participant

    A detailed personal reflection on the empowering and disabling qualities of the popular cohort-based course Write of Passage.

    Like what you see? Join my Thriving Thursdays newsletter

    Every week you'll receive fascinating finds and synthesized sense making about the science, business, technology, and spirituality of Thriving.